‘Megacorp.’ is a corporate conglomerate inspired by its equally powerful counterparts in science fiction. The artwork is based on a collection of fraudulent websites scraped from internet by the artist duo KairUs. These companies exist only virtually and are used by cyber criminals for phishing attacks or to support scam stories. The ‘Megacorp.v exists therefore as an umbrella company for subsidiary companies that are 100% dummy cooperations. ‘Megacorp.’ operates on a global scale and is constantly growing with firms represented in almost every branch of industry. The strategic objectives according to the ‘Megacorp.’ Mission statement is to: “offer complete services from one source which can serve the entire market”. Accordingly the subsidiary companies cover domestic and international export, real estate agents, insurance companies, law firms, security companies, banks, educational institutions, hospitals, online commerce, economic communities and ministries. The functions of ‘Megacorp.’ are presented in the form of an interim report and company visuals. The archived websites are locally available allowing visitors to explore the current fake website repository. By examining the fake websites the artwork reflects both the imaginary and the real world ‘megacorps’, questioning centralization of power.


Demo Video

Corporate reel (video is part of installation)

Megacorp. businesses in London (video is part of installation)


Steirischer Herbst ESC gallery 2015 (Graz/Austria)
XCOAX 2015 (Bergamo/Italy), London Design Week at Victoria & Albert Museum as a part of the Ars Electronica Export program (London/UK), MozFest 2016 (London/UK). The annual report was also distributed to subscribers of the print edition of the Neural magazine in September 2016.

Megacorp. recieved the Network Cultures price at Stuttgarter Filmwinter 2017

Megacorp. at Steirischer Herbst ESC gallery 2015

Megacorp. at XCOAX 2015

Megacorp. as part of Neural

Megacorp. London
Passive reconnaissance: “Central London walk”: Megacorp. conglomerate, London, UK.
Passive reconnaissance “Theatreland” walk: Megacorp. conglomerate, London, UK.


Neural 54, Making it up + extra: Megacorp interim report
Passive reconnaissance: “Central London walk”: Megacorp.
Passive reconnaissance “Theatreland” walk: Megacorp. conglomerate, London, UK.
Passive reconnaissance: Megacorp. conglomerate, Paris, France
Passive reconnaissance: dublincastlegroup.org, Megacorp. conglomerate, Washington D.C.
Passive reconnaissance: welkom-inn.net, Megacorp. conglomerate, Washington D.C.
Call for participation: Credible fictions – deceptive realities, Workshop on the Megacorp. business conglomerate
300. Stuttgarter Filmwinter 2017, Festival for Expanded Media, Stuttgart/Germany
Mozfest 2016
xCoAx conference 2016 exhibition opening, Bergamo, Italy
NMC-Hub blog post
New Media Caucus 7th annual showcase
32C3 Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg, Germany – Day 3